Skin Allergies, Know the Causes and How to Treat Them

Skin allergies are characterized by rashes, itchy skin, and bumps or hives. This condition can be caused by various things and can occur gradually or suddenly. Knowing how to treat and what can trigger skin allergies can avoid this condition.

Skin allergies are also called allergic contact dermatitis. Allergic reactions can occur when the body is exposed to allergens, which are substances that are generally normal but are considered dangerous by the immune system. People who have sensitive skin generally experience allergies more often.

The Process of Skin Allergies

An allergic reaction does not appear immediately the first time the body is exposed to an allergen. At first exposure, the immune system will only remember it as something dangerous, then make antibodies as a reaction.

If allergen exposure occurs again, the body will respond with various symptoms. The process of forming an immune reaction to an allergen takes at least 10 days.

If you already have an allergy, in just a matter of minutes, the sufferer can immediately experience skin allergy symptoms every time they are exposed to the allergen. However, symptoms may also appear 1-2 days later. In some cases, allergies can cause fatal reactions or anaphylaxis.

Causes of Skin Allergies

If you suffer from skin allergies, you are advised to see a doctor. Apart from examinations, doctors can carry out allergy tests to identify the triggers for your allergies.

There are several things that can cause and trigger allergic skin reactions, including:

  • Cosmetic products, for example make up, lotion, deodorant, soap, shampoo and hair dye
  • Cleaning products, such as floor cleaners, laundry soap, disinfectants and detergents
  • Medicines applied to the skin, such as anti-itch creams or antibiotics
  • Accessories made of metal, for example nickel
  • Plants, both pollen, leaves and stem parts
  • Latex, which is the material used for rubber gloves, condoms and balloons
  • Bug spray
  • Perfume

The risk of developing skin allergies is also greater if you suffer from eczema and work in an environment that is frequently exposed to allergens, such as construction workers, beauty salons or health services.

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How to Treat Skin Allergies

To prevent and treat skin allergies you experience, here are several things you can do:

1. Avoid allergy triggers

This is the most important step in preventing allergic reactions and alleviating symptoms. Find out what triggers your skin allergies and avoid direct contact as much as possible. Your doctor can help you identify your allergic triggers.

2. Using calamine lotion or corticosteroid cream

Both types of medication function to reduce itching. However, the use of calamine lotion and corticosteroid cream, such as hydrocortisone or diflucortolone, should be done according to the instructions for use and following the doctor’s recommendations.

3. Undergoing immunotherapy

For allergies that are severe or don’t completely go away with other treatments, your doctor may recommend allergen immunotherapy. This treatment is carried out by injecting purified allergen extract or taking immunotherapy tablets.

4. Using emergency epinephrine

If you have a history of severe allergies, the doctor will give you an epinephrine injection. This type of medicine functions to relieve severe allergy symptoms that occur suddenly, so it is important to take it anytime and anywhere.

5. Wear loose and soft clothes

Tight clothing can make skin rashes worse. When your body experiences itching due to skin allergies, wear comfortable and loose clothing.

6. Shower with cold water

This method aims to reduce rashes on the skin. After showering, dry your skin with a clean towel, then apply moisturizer. Avoid showering or bathing in hot water because it can worsen skin allergy symptoms.

If your skin allergy causes severe symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and swelling in certain parts of the body, immediately consult a doctor or visit the nearest hospital to get appropriate treatment.

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